News & Events

Video der ersten Lesung im Periplaneta Literaturcafe

Eine Lesung aus GIB MIR 3 WORTE mit Mezkalito

Ein kurzes Gedicht, vorgetragen bei derselben Performance

Lesung in der Z-Bar

Video einer Lesung bei "Ohne Wenn und Laber"

Lesung in der filmArche

Ein Video mit Lichtmalerei der Projektionskünstler Kopffarben und Musik von Mezkalito, in der filmArche, mit Englischen Untertiteln

Lesung im Space Meduza

Video einer Lesung beim Poetic Groove mit Musik von Mezkalito, teilweise auf Deutsch

Video der ersten Lesung bei The Poetic Groove

Video einer Lesung mit Mezkalito in der Barbiche Bar, mit Englischen Untertiteln

Video der zweiten Lesung im Brunnen70

Video einer Lesung mit Mezkalito beim Hit&Run

Lesung im Tiramisu Literaturcafe

Lesung des ersten Teils des Textes "Trespassing", der hier heruntergeladen werden kann

Lesung im Wilma

Lesung des zweiten Teils in der Gallerie und Bar Wilma in Berlin-Wedding

Lesung im Lagari

Lesung beim Poetic Groove mit musikalischer Begleitung von Mezkalito

Lesung auf dem Recycled Creativity Festival

Video einer Lesung mit Mezkalito auf dem Recylcled Creativity Festival #9 (Teilweise auf Deutsch, Teilweise mit Untertiteln)

Lesung im SOMA

Dies ist ein Video einer Lesung in der SOMA Gallerie in Berlin-Kreuzberg, über die Geflüchteten, die in einer verlassenen Schule in der Nachbarschaft wohnen (Teilweise auf Deutsch)

Lesung im Tiramisu Literaturcafe

Lesung des Textes "France `16", teilweise mit englischen Untertiteln

Video of the first reading at the Blub

This is a video of a reading with Mezkalito in the abandoned swimming pool Blub

Video of the latest reading at the Kulturlabor

This is a video of a reading with Mezkalito at the Kulturlabor Trial & Error, of the short story "Extra", which can be downloaded here 

Video of the reading on the Teufelsberg

This is a reading with Mezkalito at the abandoned radar station on top of the Teufelsberg. It consists of poems, a chaper from "New York Stories", as well as a part of "A Midsummernights Dream", a chapter that can be found by searching this eBook  for "Sid was awoken late at night or early in the morning"

Video of the reading at the Brunnen70

This is a reading with Peppe Bottiglieri at the Brunnen70 club. It consists of poems as well as the second part of "A Midsummernights Dream", a chapter that can be found by searching this eBook  for "The recording ended and Sid finished the transcript"

Video of the reading at the Wilde Möhre Festival

This is a video of the reading at the Wilde Möhre, together with the projection-artists Kopffarben 

Video of the reading at the Beyond Baroque

This is a video of a reading in Los Angeles, of a chapter that can be found by searching this eBook  for "Sid was awoken by the sound of his alarm clock and starred at the words on the ceiling for a while"

Video of the reading at the International Bar

This is a video of the latest reading in Dublin, from "New York Stories"

Video of the first reading at the filmArche

This is a video of a reading about the NSA and the movie "Snowden"

Video of the second reading at the Kulturlabor

This is a reading of "Walking in Circles for the Revolution" at the Kulturlabor Trial&Error

Video of the reading at the secret garden

This is a reading at an abandoned park, of the first part of "Trespassing in the Kingdom of Fear", which can be downloaded here 

Video of the latest reading in the Gängeviertel

This is a reading in the Jupi Bar in Hamburg, of the first part of "Trespassing in the Kingdom of Fear". Download it here 

Video of the latest reading at the Zukunft Kino

The final chapter of "Trespassing in the Kingdom of Fear", read at a movie theater in Berlin-Friedrichshain, together with the light-painters Kopffarben 

Video of the first reading at the Zukunft Kino

This is a reading of a chapter that can be found by searching this eBook  for "Sid was ripped out of his dispair by the sound of the doorbell"

Video of the reading in Potsdam

This is a reading of an open air reading in the Schlosspark Babelsberg, of a chapter that can be found by searching this eBook for "Sid was ripped out of his dreams by the sound of his phone"

Video of the first reading at the Jupi Bar

This is a video of a reading in the Gängeviertel in Hamburg, of a chapter that can be found by searching this eBook  for "Sid was awoken by Franz who was leaving for work"

Video of the reading at the Attic Bar

This is a video of a reading at the Attic Bar in Swords, Ireland, about Washington DC and New York City

Video of the first reading at the Taverne Française

This is the video of a reading in Strasbourg that corresponds with a chapter that can be found by searching this eBook  for "his body was shaken by shivers and he just lay there on his side"

Video of the reading at the Cavalcade

This is a video of a reading in Fruita, Colorado, of a chapter that can be found by searching this eBook  for "Sid awoke to that all too familiar feeling of despair"

Video of the reading at the Paris Wine Bar

This is a video of a reading of poetry in Dublin